By Jim Carpenter
At your local hardware store (Ace-Home Dept etc) there are plastic tubes to cover fluorescent lights which are 1-3/4” diameter x 8 ft long, cheap, about $6.00.
Cut the tubes about 5” long (band saw works best) and for end caps use the caps from bottles of Powerade (perfect fit). CA or epoxy glue. This will keep the tubes stiff enough so that you can drill holes for the bladder and drain hole.
The way I do the holes (there’s probably other ways) is to start with a pointed Dremel cutting bit, cutting actually into the end cap giving you full bladder length.
Next I drill a 7/32 hole then I switch to a ½” tapered grinding stone. Drill an 1/8” drain hole at the opposite and bottom side of the tube.
Clean all holes with an Xacto knife and the bladder compartment is ready to be installed in the wing.
Another tip is to cover the hole with something sticky (I like electrical tape) crosscut it with Xacto knife, this to prvent dirt from getting in the compartment.
Most of this is Dick Sherman’s ideas