There's a few things on the irritating properties of CA glue, it smells bad, it's impossible to sand and everytime you use it the tip is plugged up. So here's a few things to make it more pleasant to use.
First off, get rid of the stupid green cap that plugs up and never seals right, replace it with a piece of fuel tubing with and old 4/40 bolt for a plug (and of course keeping it in the freezer will prolong it's life). The tips are going to plug up no matter what you do, so here's a little trick to keep them like new. Put your plug tip in a jar with about 2 oz. of acetone (it will not damage the tip), it only takes a couple of hours to clean but I have left them in there a couple of days and they just plainly come out like brand new. I have used the same 2 tips (one in use and one soaking) for well over a year now with no problems.
On the safety side of things, when using CA glue make sure you have good ventilation and also I use tongs for handling the tips in and out of the acetone.
You can buy acetone by the quart can at any home improvement store, even Kmarts, remember this is a solvent so it is very flammable, so be careful and I hope this will be of some help.
Jim Carpenter